0800 966 344

Trade Mark Application

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Trade Mark Search

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Trade Mark Renewal

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Welcome to Trademark Zone

Trademark Zone is New Zealand’s premier online trade mark service. We provide expert advice and assist you to register your mark with IPONZ quickly and affordably from the convenience of your home or office. We also provide ongoing assistance for your registered mark.


Protect your most valuable
asset today

A trade mark is one of the most important business assets you’ll ever own. It is your name or your logo that distinguishes your company services or products in the marketplace. Trade marks come to represent not only actual goods and services, but the reputation of the producer and are considered valuable intellectual property.


Multiple trade marks
or wanting to go global?

Zone IP provides specialised one-on-one customised solutions to ensure comprehensive protection for IP assets and manages our client’s IP Portfolio’s by finding the right solutions and people for individual needs

Zone IP

Talking Trade Marks


May 2024
- Welcome back!
- Sirpa Verdict
- GI Law Update
- Highlights of 2023
- Blue Penguin IP 

March 26, 2024

February 2024
- Welcome back!
- Sirpa Verdict
- GI Law Update
- Highlights of 2023
- Blue Penguin IP 

March 26, 2024

December 2023 

- Christmas Closures

- Thank you to our colleagues! 

- Auckland and Wellington City Mission

 December 12, 2023 

Have more questions about your trademark?

Tell us how we can help